A Window Into the I AM

I see God in the sunset.

The feeling stops me,
slows me down to help me breathe.

I hear God in the whispering wind
and through the wise ole trees.

God sings to me with the cicadas,
I listen peacefully

I look up to the heavens
and know,
It’s right inside of me.
Thank you God for this day,
for this breath of life I seek.
I’m given a new day, a new hour
I’m so honored to receive…be

Thank you for the friendships made today,
the connections hold a bond,
so sacred, so creative
this life in which I stand.

I am the observer….
the Love, Strength. Power, and Wisdom that all you are God

Thank you God I am, I AM….
I see you
Thank you for this simple time, so gentle and so grand….
I love you
I love you all
And may this love be felt on all the land.

Poem and photo by Kim Swann
