I see BEAUTY everywhere

The following is an article written for the Unity booklet “Embrace Your Unlimited Good” available HERE.

Do you like to travel? I love taking road trips by myself in my car. It gives me the opportunity to spend time alone and allow my mind to clear from the busyness of everyday life. It’s fun to visit unfamiliar places and discover small towns and landscapes that are off the beaten path.

Because I avoid the highways and interstates, it usually takes me a couple of hours longer to arrive at my destination than it would if I took a direct route. It’s much more relaxing to use the backroads and two-lanes and make occasional stops at interesting and unexpected places. Traveling through less populated areas is a great way to enjoy the natural beauty of our world.

Recently I was driving through the North Georgia countryside during a heavy rainstorm. Trees and underbrush were thick on both sides of the road and there were no houses or buildings in sight. Although the rain was pouring down, the sky before me was clear and light blue and the afternoon sun was shining so brightly I had to squint at times. When I was a small boy growing up in a rural area of Tennessee, my mother would say this meant “the devil was beating his wife”.

With all the rain and the bright sunshine, there was bound to be a rainbow somewhere in the sky, but I couldn’t see it. I looked in the rearview mirror and behind me were dark clouds, but there was still sunshine, blue sky, and rain ahead of me. Glancing to my right to look out the passenger side window, I caught a momentary glimpse of color! I made up my mind to pull over and take a better look as soon as I was able.

Rounding the next curve, I saw a small road on my right that led to what appeared to be an open field. As I slowed down and turned onto the little road, I realized I was in a cemetery! Spending time in a “graveyard” that is filled with old graves and markers is something I find enjoyable, beautiful, and relaxing. There are plenty of opportunities to visit historic burial sites at my home in Savannah, Georgia, one of the oldest cities in America. However, this cemetery looked modern and well-kept. The lawn was green and freshly mowed and all the headstones were flat on the ground with small vases of flowers beside them. A beautiful line of crepe myrtle trees divided the two narrow lanes leading into the cemetery. I had entered a wide-open space, a wonderful contrast from the forest I had just been driving through.

I stepped out of my car to look back the way I had come and was rewarded with an amazing and wondrous vision of a full rainbow that stretched across the horizon from end to end! The sky was amazingly blue, the lawn was a sea of green, the rain had ceased, and the colors of the rainbow were vibrant and alive. Feeling a deep sense of peace and appreciation at this magnificent sight, I took a little time to walk around the grounds, stretch my legs, and drink in the beauty that was displayed before me.

I was the only person there. I relished the stillness of the moment and entertained the idea that this had somehow been orchestrated just for me.

It began to rain lightly and I walked back to my car, aware of the feeling that my time there was complete. Before pulling back onto the highway to continue my journey, I paused to offer a prayer of gratitude for what I had just witnessed.

Driving in silence over the next couple of hours I reflected on the beauty that had unfolded before me. Beauty is everywhere present all the time. Rather than speeding on down the road, I made a decision to pull over and look for it. Were there other times in my life that I may have missed out on something really wonderful because I was too busy to slow down for a little bit?

This adventure through the countryside reminds me of a quote by spiritual teacher and author Wayne Dyer: “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” Beauty is always available even if it’s not right in front of me. Sometimes I just need to stop and look.

When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

– Spiritual Author Wayne Dyer

Here are some ways you can choose to behold Beauty.

Take the long way home.

If you travel the same way going to and from work or school every day, find out if there’s an alternate route, even if it takes a bit longer to reach your destination. Taking another route will help you be present and more aware of your surroundings and can lead to some unexpected surprises.

Bring a live plant into your home or office.

There are many indoor plants that are easy to grow and don’t require much care, such as jade, aloe, or philodendron. Having a live plant on your desk or in a place you can see it often will remind you of the beauty of nature.

Go for a walk outside in a park or green space.

If you spend a lot of time indoors, it’s good to get outside at least once a day and walk. Make up your mind to pay attention to all the beautiful things you encounter while you are walking.

Pause and be still before leaving or returning to your home.

When you are ready to go somewhere, such as when you’re going shopping or running errands, pause and be still for a moment before you leave. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and think about something you enjoy doing, someone that you love, or someplace that you find beautiful.