You might have heard the story in the Bible about Jesus walking on the water. The 14th chapter of the book of Matthew tells us that he had just finished ministering to a large crowd of people and was going up on a mountain to spend some time alone.
Jesus sent his disciples away to cross the sea of Galilee in a boat. A storm arose suddenly and began to batter the boat and the disciples were afraid they were going to drown. Jesus became aware of their plight and he went out across the water to help them.
At first they thought Jesus was a ghost. What is this blazing apparition gliding across the troubled water? After Jesus revealed himself, he comforted he friends and asked them not to be afraid, to “take heart”, to “be of good cheer”.
Some of our greatest opportunities in life can look really frightening at first. We ask for greatness and when it appears we recoil in fear. Do I really want this? Can I actually do this? What was I thinking? We ask for help and then turn away from it because our answer doesn’t look like we thought it would.
This story reminds us that there is a wonderful blessing to be had in facing our fears. We can do all things through the Shining Spirit of Truth that lives within each one of us. Every situation we encounter, no matter how uncomfortable, is an opportunity to look for the Good that is always there for us.
We all have to the power to practice choosing confidence and enthusiasm – to “take heart” – in the midst of any storm.
When the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.”
Matthew 14: 26-27